DMA Hijacking

Written by ISSOtmopen in new window.


Unlike most resources here, this guide is not very useful to developers or even ROM hackers, but rather to glitch-hunters and exploit developers.

What is it?

OAM DMA hijacking is a simple technique that allows you to run custom code in most GB/SGB/CGB games, provided you have an ACE exploit.

One would be quick to point out that if you have an ACE exploit, you can already execute custom code. So then, what is the point? It's that code ran through DMA Hijacking will be run on every game frame (for most games, at least).

How is it done?

If you are familiar enough with OAMopen in new window, you may know about a feature called OAM DMA.

OAM DMAopen in new window is a convenient feature that allows quickly updating the on-screen "objects"open in new window (often known as "sprites") quickly—which is especially useful since it typically needs to occur on every frame. However, using OAM DMA requires a small routine to be copied to HRAM and then run from there.

Interestingly, most games only copy the routine when starting up, and then execute it on every subsequent frame. But, if we modified that routine while the game is running, then the game will happily run the customized routine!

Patching the code

Here is the standard routine, given by Nintendo in the GB programming manual (using RGBASM syntaxopen in new window and a symbol from hardware.incopen in new window):

    ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer)
    ldh [rDMA], a  ; $FF46
    ld a, 40
    dec a
    jr nz, DMALoop

The simplest way to get custom code (let's call it DMAHook) executed would be to overwrite the first few bytes with a jump to DMAHook:

    jp DMAHook
    db $46    ; Leftover operand byte of `ldh [rDMA], a`
    ld a, 40  ; None of this is executed
    dec a
    jr nz, DMALoop

Now, overwriting the routine like this works for our purposes, but comes with a large drawback: the routine isn't doing what it is intended to anymore, and so the game's objects won't update (unless you manually copied OAM, but beware of the OAM corruption bugopen in new window). Further, it's not possible to write to rDMA from DMAHook, as the write and subsequent wait loop must be executed from HRAM.

But, there is a solution.

    call DMAHook
    ldh [c], a  ; A write to `rDMA`, set up by DMAHook
    ld a, 40
    dec a
    jr nz, DMALoop

Provided that DMAHook returns with properly set registers, this allows writing to rDMA in the single HRAM byte left by the call instruction. Here is a pattern for DMAHook :

    ;;  Custom code, do whatever you want, it's VBlank time!
    ; ...
    ld c, LOW(rDMA)  ; $46
    ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer)

DMAHook can live anywhere in memory, but typically it will be in WRAM. It will be executed in the context of the VBlank interrupt, so for most games interrupts will be disabled, etc.

With Cartswap

DMA Hijacking is also useful when combined with cartswapopen in new window (swapping carts without shutting the console down, concept found by furrtek, developed by Cryo and me on the GCL forums), because it allows "transporting" ACE to other games.

General procedure:

  1. Acquire ACE in the "source" game
  2. Perform cartswap, insert the "victim" game
  3. "Pseudo-initialize" the victim
  4. Place the modified DMA handler in HRAM
  5. Transfer control back to the victim's ROM
  6. ????
  7. Profit!

Possible applications are checking for a button combo to trigger specific code (for example, credits warp), checking one or multiple memory addresses to detect a certain game state, etc.

Possible "attack vectors", i.e. ways of affecting the victim game, are setting certain memory addresses (like a GameShark), or even better: manipulating the stack.

Here is a video demonstration:

Manipulating the stack with this technique can not crash if the triggering game state is specific enough. I achieved text pointer manipulation in Pokémon Red this way. (This is not a ROM hack!)


This new technique hinges on breaking one of any game's core assumptions: its entry point. You see, normally, the console transfers control to the game at address $0100open in new window, so any code placed there is designed to initialize all of the game's systems, in particular their memory.

However, since we have control of the CPU, we can jump to any location in the game's ROM, which allows bypassing some of said initialization. Doing so without any precautions is very likely to go haywire, though—it is important to initialize enough that the game runs, but not too much that it would end up overwriting the code we are trying to inject. This is what I call "pseudo-initialization".

Another important part is finding some free space to store the hook code in. The stack area can work surprisingly well for this, as many games appear to over-allocate (e.g. 256 bytes when the typical usage doesn't go beyond 32).

None of this has a silver bullet: the game's init code must be analyzed, and its memory usage carefully scrutinized in order to dig up enough free space for your hook.


DMA hijacking works similarly to the GameShark: that device intercepts accesses to the ROM, and when it detects that the VBlank handler is being run, it "overlays" different instructions that apply the stored codes, and jump back to the actual handler.

And, why yes, it is possible to use DMA hijacking to emulate GameShark codes! Here is a proof-of-concept in Pokémon Redopen in new window.


  • I encountered some games that don't transfer OAM unless a specific flag is set; I believe that it is always possible to override this limitation, by setting the flag back in the hook.

  • The OAM DMA routine is often placed at $FF80 in commercial games.

  • The patched OAM DMA routine with our hook may be modifying registers that the game expects to be preserved. This is all dependent on the target game, so no general advice can be given.

    Additionally, if the hook takes too long, it may cause code expecting to run in VBlank to break. This might be solved for example by manipulating the stack and injecting an additional return address; here is an example.

        jp DMAHook
        ldh [c], a
        ld a, 40
        dec a
        jr nz, DMALoop
        jp hl
        pop hl  ; Get original return address
        ld bc, PostHandlerHook  ; Address of code that will be executed once the VBlank handler finishes
        push bc  ; Inject return address for VBlank handler
        ld c, LOW(rDMA)
        ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer)
        jp PostDMAHook

    (Since the handler almost certainly performs some pops before returning, you will almost certainly need more complex stack manipulation, but that's the gist of it.)

  • Some games have a slightly more clever routine in HRAM, that omits the initial ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer) saving 2 bytes of HRAM.

        ldh [rDMA], a
        ld a, 40
        dec a
        jr nz, DMALoop

    They can still be patched by overwriting the ld a, 40 instead, and using e.g. the b register for the loop:

        call DMAHook
        ldh [c], a  ; Write to rDMA
        dec b
        jr nz, DMALoop


    Then DMAHook needs to return with b additionally set to 40:

        ;;  Custom code, do whatever you want, it's VBlank time!
        ; ...
        ld bc, 40 << 8 | LOW(rDMA)  ; 40 in B, $46 in C
        ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer)


    However, if the OAM buffer address passed to the function (in a) is not static, push af and pop af will have to be used instead of ld a, HIGH(OAMBuffer).