Enemy-Player Collision

Our enemy versus player collision detection starts with us getting our player’s unscaled x position. We’ll store that value in d.


    ; Get our player's unscaled x position in d
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionX]
    ld d, a

    ld a, [wPlayerPositionX+1]
    ld e, a

    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d

With our player’s x position in d, we’ll compare it against a previously saved enemy x position variable. If they are more than 16 pixels apart, we’ll jump to the “NoCollisionWithPlayer” label.

    ; Check the x distances. Jump to 'NoCollisionWithPlayer' on failure

    ld a, [wCurrentEnemyX]
    ld [wObject1Value], a

    ld a, d
    ld [wObject2Value], a

    ; Save if the minimum distance
    ld a, 16
    ld [wSize], a

    call CheckObjectPositionDifference

    ld a, [wResult]
    and a
    jp z, NoCollisionWithPlayer


After checking the x axis, if the code gets this far there was an overlap. We’ll do the same for the y axis next.

We’ll get the player’s unscaled y position. We’ll store that value in d for consistency.

    ; Get our player's unscaled y position in d
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionY+0]
    ld d, a

    ld a, [wPlayerPositionY+1]
    ld e, a

    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d
    srl e
    rr d

Just like before, we’ll compare our player’s unscaled y position (stored in d) against a previously saved enemy y position variable. If they are more than 16 pixels apart, we’ll jump to the “NoCollisionWithPlayer” label.

    ; Check the y distances. Jump to 'NoCollisionWithPlayer' on failure

    ld a, [wCurrentEnemyY]
    ld [wObject1Value], a

    ld a, d
    ld [wObject2Value], a

    ; Save if the minimum distance
    ld a, 16
    ld [wSize], a

    call CheckObjectPositionDifference

    ld a, [wResult]
    and a
    jp z, NoCollisionWithPlayer

The “NoCollisionWithPlayer”, just set’s the “wResult” to 0 for failure. If overlap occurs on both axis, we’ll isntead set 1 for success.

    ld a, 1
    ld [wResult], a


    xor a
    ld [wResult], a


That’s the enemy-player collision logic. Callers of the function can simply check the “wResult” variable to determine if there was collision.