
Bullets are relatively simple, logic-wise. They all travel straight-forward, and de-activate themselves when they leave the screen.

At the top of our “src/main/states/gameplay/objects/bullets.asm” file we’ll setup some variables for bullets and include our tile data.

include "src/main/utils/hardware.inc"
include "src/main/utils/constants.inc"

SECTION "BulletVariables", WRAM0

wSpawnBullet: db

; how many bullets are currently active
wActiveBulletCounter:: db

; how many bullet's we've updated
wUpdateBulletsCounter: db 

; Bytes: active, x , y (low), y (high)

SECTION "Bullets", ROM0

    .metasprite1    db 0,0,8,0
    .metaspriteEnd  db 128

bulletTileData:: INCBIN "src/generated/sprites/bullet.2bpp"

We’ll need to loop through the bullet object pool in the following sections.

Initiating Bullets

In our “InitializeBullets” function, we’ll copy the tile data for the bullet sprites into VRAM, and set every bullet as inactive. Each bullet is 4 bytes, the first byte signaling if the bullet is active or not.


We’ll iterate through bullet object pool, named “wBullets”, and activate the first of the the four bytes. Then skipping the next 3 bytes, to go onto the next bullet. We’ll do this until we’ve looped for each bullet in our pool.


    xor a
    ld [wSpawnBullet], a

    ; Copy the bullet tile data intto vram
	ld de, bulletTileData
	ld bc, bulletTileDataEnd - bulletTileData
    call CopyDEintoMemoryAtHL

    ; Reset how many bullets are active to 0
    xor a
    ld [wActiveBulletCounter],a

    ld b, a
    ld hl, wBullets
    ld [hl], a


    ; Increase the address
    ld a, l
    ld l, a
    ld a, h
    adc 0
    ld h, a

    ; Increase how many bullets we have initailized
    ld a, b
    inc a
    ld b, a

    ret z

    jp InitializeBullets_Loop

Updating Bullets

When we want to update each of bullets, first we should check if any bullets are active. If no bullets are active we can stop early.


    ; Make sure we have SOME active enemies
    ld a, [wSpawnBullet]
    ld b, a
    ld a, [wActiveBulletCounter]
    or b
    cp 0
    ret z
    ; Reset our counter for how many bullets we have checked
    xor a
    ld [wUpdateBulletsCounter], a

    ; Get the address of the first bullet in hl
    ld a, LOW(wBullets)
    ld l, a
    ld a, HIGH(wBullets)
    ld h, a

    jp UpdateBullets_PerBullet

If we have active bullets, we’ll reset how many bullets we’ve checked and set our “hl” registers to point to the first bullets address.

When were updating each bullet, we’ll check each byte, changing hl (the byte we want to read) as we go. At the start, “hl” should point to the first byte. “hl” should point to the first byte at the end too:

HL should point to the first byte at the end so we can easily do one of two things:

  • deactivate the bullet
  • jump to the next bullet (by simply adding 4 to hl)

For we each bullet, we’ll do the following:

  • Check if active
  • Get our x position, save into b
  • Get our y scaled positon, save into c (low byte), and d (high byte)
  • Decrease our y position to move the bullet upwards
  • Reset HL to the first byte of our bullet
  • Descale the y position we have in c & d, and jump to our deactivation code if c (the low byte) is high enough
  • Draw our bullet metasprit, if it wasn’t previously deactivated

    ; The first byte is if the bullet is active
    ; If it's NOT  zero, it's active, go to the normal update section
    ld a, [hl]
    and a
    jp nz, UpdateBullets_PerBullet_Normal

    ; Do we need to spawn a bullet?
    ; If we dont, loop to the next enemy
    ld a, [wSpawnBullet]
    and a
    jp z, UpdateBullets_Loop

    ; reset this variable so we don't spawn anymore
    xor a
    ld [wSpawnBullet], a
    ; Increase how many bullets are active
    ld a, [wActiveBulletCounter]
    inc a
    ld [wActiveBulletCounter], a

    push hl

    ; Set the current bullet as  active
    ld a, 1
    ld [hli], a

    ; Get the unscaled player x position in b
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionX]
    ld b, a
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionX+1]
    ld d, a
    ; Descale the player's x position
    ; the result will only be in the low byt
    srl d
    rr b
    srl d
    rr b
    srl d
    rr b
    srl d
    rr b
    ; Set the x position to equal the player's x position
    ld a, b
    ld [hli], a

    ; Set the y position (low)
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionY]
    ld [hli], a

    ; Set the y position (high)
    ld a, [wPlayerPositionY+1]
    ld [hli], a

    pop hl


    ; Save our active byte
    push hl

    inc hl

    ; Get our x position
    ld a, [hli]
    ld b, a

    ; get our 16-bit y position
    ld a, [hl]
    ld [hli], a
    ld c, a
    ld a, [hl] 
    sbc 0
    ld [hl], a
    ld d, a

    pop hl; go to the active byte

    ; Descale our y position
    srl d
    rr c
    srl d
    rr c
    srl d
    rr c
    srl d
    rr c

    ; See if our non scaled low byte is above 160
    ld a, c
    cp 178
    ; If it's below 160, deactivate
    jp nc, UpdateBullets_DeActivateIfOutOfBounds

Drawing the Bullets

We’ll draw our bullet metasprite like we drew the player, using our “DrawMetasprites” function. This function may alter the ‘h’ or ‘l’ registers, so we’ll push the hl register onto the stack before hand. After drawing, we’ll pop the hl register off of the stack to restore it’s value.

    push hl

    ;; Drawing a metasprite

     ; Save the address of the metasprite into the 'wMetaspriteAddress' variable
    ; Our DrawMetasprites functoin uses that variable
    ld a, LOW(bulletMetasprite)
    ld [wMetaspriteAddress], a
    ld a, HIGH(bulletMetasprite)
    ld [wMetaspriteAddress+1], a

    ; Save the x position
    ld a, b
    ld [wMetaspriteX], a

    ; Save the y position
    ld a, c
    ld [wMetaspriteY], a

    ; Actually call the 'DrawMetasprites function
    call DrawMetasprites

    pop hl
    jp UpdateBullets_Loop

Deactivating the Bullets

If a bullet needs to be deactivated, we simply set it’s first byte to 0. At this point in time, the “hl” registers should point at our bullets first byte. This makes deactivation a really simple task. In addition to changing the first byte, we’ll decrease how many bullets we have that are active.


    ; if it's y value is grater than 160
    ; Set as inactive
    xor a
    ld [hl], a

    ; Decrease counter
    ld a,[wActiveBulletCounter]
    dec a
    ld [wActiveBulletCounter], a

    jp UpdateBullets_Loop

Updating the next bullet

After we’ve updated a single bullet, we’ll increase how many bullet’s we’ve updated. If we’ve updated all the bullets, we can stop our “UpdateBullets” function. Otherwise, we’ll add 4 bytes to the addressed stored in “hl”, and update the next bullet.


    ; Check our counter, if it's zero
    ; Stop the function
    ld a, [wUpdateBulletsCounter]
    inc a
    ld [wUpdateBulletsCounter], a

    ; Check if we've already
    ld a, [wUpdateBulletsCounter]
    ret nc

    ; Increase the bullet data our address is pointingtwo
    ld a, l
    ld l, a
    ld a, h
    adc 0
    ld h, a

Firing New Bullets

During the “UpdatePlayer” function previously, when use pressed A we called the “FireNextBullet” function.

This function will loop through each bullet in the bullet object pool. When it finds an inactive bullet, it will activate it and set it’s position equal to the players.

Our bullets only use one 8-bit integer for their x position, so need to de-scale the player’s 16-bit scaled x position


    ; Make sure we don't have the max amount of enmies
    ld a, [wActiveBulletCounter]
    ret nc

    ; Set our spawn bullet variable to true
    ld a, 1
    ld [wSpawnBullet], a


That’s it for bullets logic. Next we’ll cover enemies, and after that we’ll step back into the world of bullets with “Bullet vs Enemy” Collision.